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当院のドクター・本郷 昌一のこれまでの業績をご紹介いたします。



『歯肉上皮において Smad2 は integrin 発現を促進する』

『歯根膜線維芽細胞において Smad2 は FGF2 遺伝子発現を促進する』(共著)



●Smad2 overexpression enhances adhesion of gingival epithelial cells.
Hongo S, Yamamoto T, Yamashiro K, Shimoe M, Tomikawa K, Ugawa Y, Kochi S, Ideguchi H, Maeda H, Takashiba S.
Archives Oral Biology, 2016 Nov;71:46-53.

●Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans regulates the expression of integrins and reduces cell adhesion via integrin α5 in human gingival epithelial cells.
Kochi S, Yamashiro K, Hongo S, Yamamoto T, Ugawa Y, Shimoe M, Kawamura M, Hirata-Yoshihara C, Ideguchi H, Maeda H, Takashiba S.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2017 Dec;436(1-2):39-48.

●Rho-kinase regulates extracellular matrix-mediated osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament cells.
Ugawa Y, Yamamoto T, Kawamura M, Yamashiro K, Shimoe M, Tomikawa K, Hongo S, Maeda H, Takashiba S.
Cell Biology International, 2017 Jun;41(6):651-658.

●Osteogenic differentiation regulated by Rho-kinase in periodontal ligament cells.
Yamamoto T, Ugawa Y, Yamashiro K, Shimoe M, Tomikawa K, Hongo S, Kochi S,Ideguchi H, Maeda H, Takashiba S.
Differentiation, 2014 Sep-Oct;88(2-3):33-41.

●Overexpression of Smad2 inhibits proliferation of gingival epithelial cells.
Shimoe M, Yamamoto T, Shiomi N, Tomikawa K, Hongo S, Yamashiro K, Yamaguchi T, Maeda H, Takashiba S.
Journal of Periodontal Research, 2014 Jun;49(3):290-298.

●Smad2 decelerates re-epithelialization during gingival wound healing.
Tomikawa K, Yamamoto T, Shiomi N, Shimoe M, Hongo S, Yamashiro K, Yamaguchi T, Maeda H, Takashiba S.
Journal of Dental Research, 2012 Aug;91(8):764-770.

冨川和哉, 河野隆幸, 山本直史, 岩本義博, 下江正幸, 山口知子, 本郷昌一, 宮本学, 前田博史, 高柴正悟
日本歯周病学会会誌, 2013;55(4):340-348.

山陽新聞, 2015年3月16日